Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Ten Summoner's Tales - Sting

A good few blogs ago, too many to mention, it would appear that I was rather unkind to Sting. Not without good reason, but I was perhaps a little harsh and it's being praying on my conscious a little. Not keeping me awake at night or anything like that but it's in the mix. It's in there somewhere along with the environment, the wretched state of the world economy, the weather and forgetting to rinse out the bath.

So I'd like to make amends, for purely selfish reasons, as I don't want to get the the end of this project and have not told the truth. You see the truth is that I am rather fond of Sting and his music. Not true fandom but I must say that he has written some of the most memorable tunes in the history of pop; initially with The Police and since going solo in the mid-eighties. Does that make me a bad person? If you overlook the overly earnest classic tendencies, lute playing and Tantra Yoga (and I think you should) then what's left is a portfolio of truly magnificent music; touching, warm, humorous and definitely hummable.

'Ten Summoner's Tales' is no exception, although why there's twelve tracks is a mystery. Nevertheless the two 'bonus' tracks are a welcome addition. Lovely pop music with a sunny disposition. I've yet to hear a track as beautiful as 'Fields of Gold'. Maybe that is a little overstated but it is such a beautiful song. As well as that, which is worth buying the album for on its own, there is also the bouncy 'Seven Days', 'It's Probably Me' and 'If I Ever Lose My Faith In You'. Great pop songs.

So there you go. Conscious cleared. Well at a little bit so at least there's room for something else to not lose sleep over.

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