Debut albums; that critical first step on the way to super stardom or a super highway to obscureville.
As the first creation is released, nervously let out into public for the first time, the future remains uncertain. Like a child's first day at school, the parents of this creation watch nervously from the sidelines and a plethora of questions raise up;
"Have we done the right thing?"
"Is it going to be liked"?
"Maybe we should've kept it at home longer"?
"Is it good enough"?
"Has it got its dinner money"?
Ok maybe not that last one - a metaphor too far perhaps. Anyway how the debut is received, reviewed and talked about will seal the future of the artist or band. Coming back from a dodgy debut is not impossible but very unlikely.
If R.E.M. had any if these doubts then they needn't have worried. Not one bit. 'Murmur' is as near to a perfect debut as you could get. Fantastic melodic songs, near indecipherable yet intriguing lyrics and a warm and round sound. Then add to that fantastic cover art and a sprinkling of mystery and you have one great record. One of the best even? I've often made the claim that a record doesn't have a single duff track but I'll go one further for 'Murmur'. There isn't one track here that is less than perfect. Circle.
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