Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Employment - Kaiser Chiefs

If you had to describe the Kaiser Chiefs in one word it'd be 'Leeds'. Everything about them just screams it; self assured to the point of being almost cocky but without becoming irritating, upbeat with a streak of melancholy and northern with a hint of cosmopolitanise.

And their debut 'Employment' is all that. Great singles, top tunes and the all important sing-a-long-ability. For example is there a more perfect single than 'I Predict A Riot' this side of the M62? If there is then it must be a cracker. As well as hit pop tunes there are also lesser known songs with just as great melodies such as 'You Can Have It All'.

I have a strong affinity with the West Yorkshire city and even now, over six years after leaving, it still feels like a second home. I like to think that during my years in the City Engineer's department I helped to make it the great city that it is. At least a little. A word of warning though - don't get in a car with me if it means driving through Leeds as I'll bore you stupid with stories of the bits I helped build.

But I have to draw a line somewhere. And that somewhere is Leeds United. We just don't get on. It's not hate, like some would have you believe, more like squabbling brothers. Fixtures between Boro and Leeds have always been tempestuous affairs and you could cut the tension with a knife. It's the same old story; bitter rivalry, bad blood and alcohol. A heady mixture and yes I predict a riot every time they meet. #groan.

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