Wednesday, 6 June 2012

International Velvet - Catatonia

Sunday 3 June 2012

Who said time travel isn't possible? And all without the use of a Delorean. It's as easy as writing down something and then leaving it until later to upload. Not that this was a deliberate ploy to prove how easy it is. No, this was enforced. Well expected... but enforced at the same time.

At the time of writing it is Sunday morning on the 3 June 2012. But you are reading this, assuming you haven't got bored and wandered off to some other less nonsensical part of the Internet, several days later. Maybe. Who knows? Or cares for that matter?

The reason for this rambling introduction to today's.... err that is Sunday's blog is that I'm staying ...err was staying in a hostel in the middle of nowhere in Wales. In Snowdonia. Which probably makes it the most inaccessible place in the whole world. So no phone signal and certainly no internet connection. But there is...err was a bar so hurrah for that.

I've also not got a clue what to write about. I could wax lyrical about Catatonia being the best thing to come out of Wales since Lynn Davies but I guess you already knew that. I could mention that 'International Velvet' really caught the zeitgeist and, with some cracking singles such as 'Mulder and Scully' and 'Road Rage', gave British pop the kick up the arse it needed. But again I know you are a discerning listener so will be well aware of that fact. So I won't insult your intelligence. But if you needed any convincing then any album with the line;

"Stop blowing the Don and put his kecks back on cos I am the law", deserves to be on anyone's top Britpop moments.

Well I'd better get back to my Sunday. Or in your case got back to my Sunday. Blimey this is getting confusing. Maybe there is more to this time travelling lark than I gave it credit for!

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