Sunday, 17 June 2012

Baby The Stars Shine Bright - Everything But The Girl

The first goal in the infamous musical match that ended London 0 Hull 4 was scored by Everything But The Girl. And what a goal it was.......

.....but that is now. When they were first on the scene I'd dismissed them as a bit twee and....well soft I suppose. If they were ever in a fight with one of the bands I did like then I was sure that they would get a pasting. Well most of them - not sure about Morrissey. Not that I condone violence of course, especially between 80s pop bands, as it would've been ugly. A whole mess of chunky cardigans, ripped jeans and overly gelled hair. Can you imagine bright red blood on those pastel colours. What a clash. I shudder at the thought. But I was wholly wrong about EBTG; they might write gentle pop music but anyone who dismisses them in the way that I did is missing out on one of the best pop-duos this island has every produced. I should've known better. Just take the name for starters - it was taken from the window of a well known furniture shop on Beverley Road in Hull whose slogan read "For your bedroom needs, we sell everything but the girl". Not quite PC but very funny. And original.

....anyway 'Baby The Stars Shine Bright' is quiet pop music at its finest; smooth with lovely melodies and the perfect record for a Sunday afternoon. The opening track 'Come On Home' sets the scene with its lush strings, resonant vocals and great pop tune. But beyond there are pop classics waiting to be discovered; 'Come Hell or High Water', 'Sugar Finney' and 'Cross My Heart' sound like classic songs that have been around for years. Which of course they have.

The would eventually go on to write one of the best dance floor fillers in 'Missing' and have the huge worldwide hit that they deserved. But before then there was this and other albums chock full of great pop tunes. Gentle but packing a real punch..

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