Monday, 11 June 2012

The Best of The Waterboys 81-90 - The Waterboys

It's a thin line between ESP and trickery. Some may even argue that they are one in the same. Me? Well I would've once sat firmly in the trickery camp, refusing to budge... that was until one evening in 1992 when I witnessed ESP in action. Or at least I think I did....

PW and I were up in Auld Reekie (Edinburgh to the non-initiated) to visit KC and had spend a happy few hours visiting local hostelries (pubs) and sipping on a few refreshments (beers). Eventually, like any decent night out in Edinburgh, we found ourselves in the Last Drop in the Grassmarket. As usual the place was hochin (rammed) and the music was blasting out into the early summer evening. As holding a conversation was out of the question we took to listening to the music and appreciative nodding when a track we liked came on.

Although the music selection was not bad, it took a turn for the better when 'Sit Down' by James started playing and my nodding took on a whole new level.

"This is a great song", I shouted to the others.
"It is. The perfect song to follow this would be 'The Whole of The Moon' ", KC suggested.

I nodded in agreement, although how this could be distinguished from appreciatvie nodding is a mystery. 'Sit Down' played out and then, much to my amazement, the instantly recognisable opening piano riff of 'The Whole of the Moon' started playing. I turned to KC,

"How on earth did you know that?", I asked, still in full awe of what had just happened, "you must have ESP or something".
"Nah, it was just an obvious song to follow it with", KC cooly suggested, and went back to his pint.

I still wonder, twenty years on, whether I witnessed ESP in action or was simply duped. I'd love to know which...... actually on second thoughts some things are best left unknown. Why spoil the magic?

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