Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Three E.P.'s - The Beta Band

Does life imitate art? Maybe.

For those that don't know, 'High 'Fidelity' is a movie, based on a book by Nick Hornby, in which a music obsessive goes through relationship troubles caused, in part, by his passion or obsession - depending upon your point of view of course. To me, he was an eminently sensible and stable chap with an enthusiastic interest is music. Others may see it differently.

Anyway, Rob owns a record shop and takes great delight in introducing customers to new music, whether they want to or not. In one particular scene he turns to his shop assistant and says something like "Let's sell some Beta Band", and with a press of a button 'Dry The Rain' is played through the shop music system. Customers in the shop start to nod and tap to the rhythmic bass line whilst Rob turns to his assistant and both smile knowingly. Soon after the cash register starts to ring. It's a lovely scene and so true.

Perhaps there was no surprise then when I, after watching the movie, went out and bought the album. Was this supposed to happen? Was I meant to influenced by Rob or had I, like one of those comedy moments where the audience member becomes hypnotised instead of the volunteer on the stage, got caught in the headlights?

I'd like to think I had exercised my own judgement and heard the track for what it is - a super groove of a track that just had to be heard again. The rest of the album, if you can call it that as it is a collection of E.P.s, follows in a similar vein; extended jams and slow laid back grooves. Only once, on the track 'Monolith' does it sail close to being a bit 'noodly' and self interested. The Beta Band never received the success that their acclaim hinted at but perhaps, if they did, they wouldn't have sounded like this?

So the next time you're in a record shop, or watching a movie, and you hear a song that you just have to buy, take a quick glance at the owner - if he's smiling he knows that he's got you!

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