Anyway, somewhere around 1991 PW and I were travelling up to Edinburgh to spend the weekend with a mate and somehow, once again, I had been roped into driving. This happened with alarming frequency and can only be contributed to one of two facts - (1) I had a car and (2) I was a soft touch. So I picked up PW at his house and we headed north. Now don't get me wrong, I quite like driving; the open road, music on the stereo and good company all make up for the possibility of traffic jams, diversions and the stress. Definitely more positives than negatives and on this occasion I could see no reason for this trip to be any different. After all we were going to be travelling some beautiful countryside and the three hour journey would give us chance to catch up and have the crack.
Not long after setting off PW announced he had brought some cans along for the journey, but not to worry as he wasn't planning on getting drunk. I think the first can of lager was popped open around Peterlee and then with alarming regularity from there on in. By the time we got to the Scottish border region PW was well into his stash of beer and was in full flow. By the time we got to Jedburgh to topic had turned to his current favourite band, Ride, and their debut album was slotted into the car's stereo. PW enthused about this for the duration of the album and then promptly fell asleep. For the next thirty minutes or so he dozed whilst I drove on towards Edinburgh and the unsuspecting KC.
I seem to recall that we had a great weekend, as we usually did in Edinburgh, but Ride always remind me of that trip. Their debut if often heralded as the best British example of the scene. Their second album is a less shoegazey affair but it does have its indulgent moments. By far the best tracks are the less monotone tracks, 'Twisterella' and 'OX4', the latter being a superb 7 minute groove of a song. I can recommend you give Ride a go, but it might be best if the lager is left until later. Wouldn't want to spoil it now would you!
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