Monday, 6 February 2012

Doolittle - The Pixies

It's not you, it's me. I've really tried at this relationship but it's just not working - for either of us. I just don't see any future for us together so I think it's time we went our separate ways. For good this time - no second chances as we both know that in the long run it wasn't meant to be.

I can remember when we first met - at a friend's house in 1989 wasn't it? He was really impressed with you and thought we would hit it off, and if I'm being honest so did I. But you got all the attention - perhaps that went to your head or maybe I just couldn't deal with that?

I have tried to make the relationship work, I really have, but I just can't find a way to connect with you - it's as if you don't want anyone in your world. Yes you have your good points, strengths even; I know I can rely on 'Here Comes Your Man' to brighten a bad mood and lift downed spirits but surely we... need more than that from the relationship? A lasting relationship needs to be based upon mutual respect and understanding......but quite honestly I just don't feel that for you.

I know that I can be temperamental with my needs and can be quite demanding - and as we know I haven't exactly been faithful. I'm still ashamed of that fling I had with 70's disco but I came through it and was stronger for the experience. But where were you? Nowhere!

And you aren't exactly easy to get along with. You seem to have two emotions; silence and rage with nothing in between. And the what about the anger? Sure we all need to let off steam once in a while but all of the time? It becomes tiring and I don't think I can put up with it any longer.

So I hope there is no hard feelings - let's leave on amicable terms and perhaps we can still meet up every now and again.......

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