Monday, 13 August 2012

(What's The Story) Morning Glory - Oasis

.....a lot better. Or at least it was at the time. I've not heard this album in many a year so was expecting to be transported back to the heady days of 1995 and the thrill of new rock music. A time when I collected every Oasis track, devouring every column inch written about them and marvelling at the songwriting skill of Noel Gallagher and his ability to fashion new anthems from the remnants of Beatles riffs.

I was, it had to be said, a little disappointed. In place of the once brilliant anthems there were stodgy, over-stuffed rock tracks. Where once there was a strident vocal all that is left now is a nasal whine.

Part of the problem is knowing what came after. Whereas Blur became more inventive and intrepid explorers of the studio, Oasis simply repeated the formula. If it ain't broke then don't fix it but fill any space with extraneous guitars or strings. Or anything else you cram in.

But despite its faults, this album at it's core has a strong set of songs. Who can argue with the quality of 'Wonderwall', 'Cast No Shadow', 'Some Might Say' or 'Roll With It'. Yes Liam's voice now grates and you can detect the start of production overload but the songs are outstanding.

The highlight is the last track. 'Champagne Supernova' is a fitting closing track - anthemic, memorable, soaring and sets the controls firmly for the heart of the sun. No, wait wasn't that somebody else?......

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