I'm not particularly proud of this, but for a short period in 1990 I was not quite the perfect employee. But it wasn't my fault. Not really. You see as part of my degree I had a year of work experience with the now defunct Humberside County Council. And what a time it was.....but that story is for another day.
It was decided that I should spend part of this time, around six weeks, in the material lab thirty miles away in Brigg. I didn't mind - I was going to get paid for my travelling and this could be done in work's time. Plus it would be great experience, or that is what I thought.
On arriving the lab on the first day it soon became apparent that they didn't want me there - I was yet another problem that they would have to supervise. It seems that the arrival of a trainee was an all to common occurrence. So I was pretty much left to my own devices with minimal supervision and guidance. So I did what any sane person would do and bunked off. The main office thought I was at the lab and the lab assumed that I'd gone back to the main office. A symmetrically perfect plan.
And so a routine emerged; I'd arrive in the morning, spend a couple of hours running the slope analysis models I was expected to do and when that was done, usually mid afternoon, I'd head off 'back to the main office'. Not that anyone cared - they were just glad to see the back of me. In most cases the 'head office' for these afternoons was the bonnet of my Ford Escort as I'd spend a couple of hours lazing on the bonnet of the car, in some quiet country lane the sunshine listening to music on the car stereo. Not a bad way to make a living.
This album by James had been released earlier that year and by the early summer was on heavy rotation on the car stereo. There really is no better way to spend an afternoon than lying in the sun listening to 'Born of Frustration', 'Ring The Bells' or the magnificent soundscape that is 'Sound' happy in the knowledge that you are helping keep the wheels of commerce turning!
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