Sunday, 27 November 2011

Wild Wood - Paul Weller

I'd forgotten just what a brilliant album this was! Yes I knew it was very good but the brilliance had become somewhat dulled in my memory. Each sing just fits - from the opening riff of 'Sunflower' to the whimsical 'Moon On Your Pyjamas'. It is definitely a summer album bur that is no bad thing. To listen to it in the depths if November it brings forth memories of summer camping trips and long light evenings.
I was too young to appreciate 'The Jam' and when 'The Style Council' cane along I was in serious mode and, quit frankly, they were a little lightweight so they were duly ignored. I would've been destined to ignore Paul Weller's solo output as well but thankfully I heard the track 'Wild Wood'. I had heard and liked a few tracks off his debut solo album but 'Wild Wood' was in a totally different league - a classic acoustic guitar riff leading the way and a laid back, summery vocal. There's that summer theme again!
The album will always remind me of buying our first house in Headingley as it was played a lot around that time.
It reminds me of our first neighbours as faint bars and rhythms of the album could be heard from the adjoining room.
It reminds me of visiting friends in Hull, prior to seeing him live at the ice rink and DC burning pizzas because he had 'decided' to grill them. Tsscchh!
It reminds me of being at the Pheonix Festival in 1993 and witnessing him playing like his life depended upon it. He was truly on fire that evening.
Finally it reminds me of driving up to the Lake District where we would meet up with the lads from Hartlepool for a camping weekend - it was 1994 and the album was on regular rotation on the car stereo during that summer.
(It never ceases to amaze me how music can instantly transport you to places long since forgotten).
I am really pleased I chose this album today.

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