Saturday, 19 November 2011

Once Upon A Time - Simple Minds

When we were growing up music was a very serious business. Very serious indeed. It wasn't life and death - it was much more important than that.
We all had our favourite bands and we discussed endlessly their relative merits. The problem was that, unlike football, there was no way of measuring one against the other. Very unsatisfying. It stayed that way until a scoring system was created. I can't recall who it was, PW or KC being the most likely culprits, but a scoring system was devised where bands were pitted against each other - a face-off if you like. Everything was compared and scored; best album, best single, best album artwork, best singer..... you get the idea. Eventually after pouring over the stats a definite winner was declared. Obviously there was a massive margin for error (or fiddling) but it entertained us for hours on end.
So it eventually came time to measure the two heavyweights of stadium rock. The stage was set for a final showdown between U2 and Simple Minds! Tension filled the air as it had often been argued that one was better than the other. Fights had very nearly broke out and friendships ruined. Sure U2 had some mildly entertaining hits but the ace up the sleeve in the Simple Minds camp was 'Once Upon A Time'. A bombastic, hit laden album designed for arenas and vastly superior to any of U2's output - it all but guaranteed a win. Not a single duff track and thumping head splitting production racked up the points. U2 were destined to lose out big time and lose they did. Simple Minds were going to dominate for years to come......
.....then U2 released 'The Joshua Tree' and it was game over.
I still argue, with myself mainly, that Simple Minds had the far superior earlier catalogue, peaking with this ace album. Come to think of it, U2 haven't faired so well recently - I think it's time for another face-off........

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